September 6, 2024

Discover the Power of Purpose with the leafplanner EQ Assessment

Matt Bennetter

Discover the Power of Purpose with the leafplanner EQ Assessment

In today’s fast-paced world, where what often overshadows why, understanding and communicating the deeper motivations behind your family's financial and personal decisions can be transformative. The leafplanner EQ Assessment is designed to help you and your family navigate these complexities by focusing on the underlying reasons behind your choices. This approach is not only insightful for personal clarity but also crucial for a shared understanding across family members and generations. This approach can lead to better, more informed, decision-making. 

Download the free leafplanner EQ Assessment.

Dive Deeper into Your Core Values and Aspirations

The leafplanner EQ Assessment begins by exploring your core and aspirational values. What drives you? What is your purpose, vision, or mission in life? By articulating your values and priorities, you gain clarity on what truly matters to you. This self-awareness is essential for setting meaningful goals and communicating what success looks like in your life.

Reflect and Communicate Your Legacy and Impact

How do you want to be remembered? The assessment encourages you to envision your desired legacy and consider what you hope your grandchildren will say about you. This reflection helps you align your actions with your long-term goals, ensuring that your efforts today contribute to the impact you wish to make.

Understand Key Relationships

Who are the people you rely on for guidance? The leafplanner EQ Assessment prompts you to think about not only who your advisors are but also why you trust them. Understanding your advisors' roles and your relationship with them provides insight into how their advice aligns with your values and objectives. More importantly, do your family members understand who these people are and what roles they play? 

Examine Your Financial Landscape

Why do you have your current assets and liabilities? The assessment helps you explore the origin story of your wealth and the purpose of your money. How do your financial decisions reflect your perspective on money management, spending, saving, and investing? By questioning these aspects, you can better articulate your financial strategies and align with your important family members.

Strategize Your Estate Planning

Creating an estate plan is a significant step. Understanding why you did it, and who you chose to fulfill roles, is equally important. The assessment guides you through your estate planning objectives, from choosing trustees and executors to ensuring your plan reflects your values and goals. This reflection helps ensure that your estate planning aligns with your vision for the future.

Assess Your Insurance Strategy

Why do you have insurance, and how is it structured? The leafplanner EQ Assessment delves into the reasoning behind your insurance choices and strategies. By examining your insurance coverage, providers, and risk management goals, you can ensure that your insurance plan supports your overall objectives effectively.

Collectibles and Heirlooms

What items from your past hold sentimental value? The assessment encourages you to share stories about your collectibles, mementos, and heirlooms, exploring why these items are meaningful to you and how you hope they will be passed on. This personal history adds depth to your estate planning and reflects your cultural heritage and personal stories.

Philanthropic Goals

Giving back is a powerful way to make a difference. The leafplanner EQ Assessment invites you to reflect on why philanthropy is meaningful to you. By examining your first memories of giving, the causes you care about, and the changes you hope to see in the world, you can better align your philanthropic efforts with your values and aspirations.

Ready to explore this assessment and more? 

Download the free leafplanner EQ Assessment and start documenting the why behind your personal and financial decisions. By gaining this deeper understanding, you can align your actions with your core values, create a lasting legacy, and make more informed choices that reflect your true priorities.

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